For the past half year we've been more than busy making the idea of a all-in-one recipe blogging platform come to life and we have now entered the exciting phase of opening it op to the world! Wasabee in its essence is a blog hosting platform designed specifically for recipe- and food bloggers through a tailored admin panel with specialized tools for creating posts including recipes with dynamic ingredients and food categories.
Wasabee came to life as a vision of making it easier to create and manage a food blog - for example creating recipes, categorizing them under different cousines and ingredients and making them visible on the web.
While are currently ways of setting up a food blog, they can often times involve days of development and setup-time with tasks such as:
... enter Wasabee
Instead of having to stitch together a multitude of services in order to launch your food blog, our goal is to let you express your culinary self while we take care of the rest - all the way from hosting your blog (as a subdomain under Wasabee or using your own custom domain), handling SEO and page-speed optimization and making it a pleasant experience for both you and your visitors.
Some of our key focus points for Wasabee are:
Wasabee has now entered open beta where we are excited to allow everyone to test and use the platform. While it may still have a few rough edges and mishaps, it should be fully usable and a viable way to get going with your own food blog. We will appreciate all the feedback we can get based on our current product in order make Wasabee the best possible platform for food blogging.
To be more transparent about the direction of Wasabee we have also set up a roadmap containing some of the up and coming features that are in the backlog of Wasabee.
We are looking forward to starting this journey and to see what will be made possible with Wasabee - happy blogging!
Wasabee is the easiest way to get up and running with a food blog and provides both hosting and an admin panel for creating recipes.